Krieg Eterna


Strength: 4

Type: Ranged Unit

Flavor Text: "Soon may the Wellerman come; To bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day, when the tonguing is done; We'll take our leave and go!"

Flavor Source: The Wellerman

Artwork: The End of the Action between the English Indiaman and Three Spanish Privateers by Willem van de Velde the Younger (1682)

About the card:

The Weller Brothers were Australian merchants that ran the whale trade in New Zealand during the early 1800's. By the 1830's they captured some 300 whales in a single year, owned seven whaling stations, and at their peak exported 310 tons of whale oil per year. But just as quickly as the Wellermen made their fortunes, they were nearly bankrupt by 1840 due to a decline in the whale population. They had also invested large sums of money in a scheme to buy up land of New South Wales before it was recognized as a crown colony, but when the courts declared that their purchases were illegal, they were left destitute.

The Final Chase of Moby-Dick by I. W. Taber (1902)