Krieg Eterna


Strength: 4

Type: Melee Unit

Flavor Text: Fall in love dear maiden, while your lips are red, before you are cold, for there will be no tomorrow.

Flavor Source: Isamu Yoshii, Gondola no Uta

Artwork: The Charge by Édouard Detaille (1901)

About the card:

Edouard Detaille was a French military painter in the late 1800s and early 1900s. He began his painting career studying with Messonier, famous for his depictions of Napoleon. In 1870, when the Franco-Prussian war broke out, Detaille enlisted with the French Army. His experience in the army led to his many accurate and detailed paintings and drawings of French soldiers and military operations. La Charge is a representation of the French Dragoons during the Napoleonic wars.

Ikuru (1955)

The flavor text is an English translation of the Japanese Gondola no Uta, a 1915 romantic ballad cautioning the young against missing the opportunities of youth before they have grown old. The song was made famous by the Kurosawa film Ikuru(1955), in which an old government bureaucrat finds out he has stomach cancer and realizes he has wasted his life pushing paper. The film documents his dying effort to build a local park and make something of his life.